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Defense & Intelligence


Alexandra McCargo, Co-Chair
President & CEO, Precision Collective

Jila Matos, Co-Chair

USAID, Enterprise Risk Management

Abigail Anteneh, Vice Chair

Student at American University

Tara Shivafard,Vice Chair

Junior Analyst @ Infrastructure Canada

Outreach and Program Coordinator - Vacant

Events Coordinator - Vacant

Communications Liaison - Vacant


We aim to Position and prepare women of color to lead defense and intelligence efforts through mentorship, programming and publication. Along with providing a forum where women of color can discuss topics related to working within the defense and intelligence communities, we set importance on informing stakeholders and the public on defense and intelligence issues.


  1. Amplify the interests for women of color in areas of advancing peace, security and conflict transformation

  2. Highlight participation, inclusion and elevate the position of women of color

  3. Elevate the Department of Defense and Intelligence Communities.


  1. Reach out to local communities to highlight opportunities available in the defense and intelligence communities.

  2. Seek internships and fellowships for WCAPS members.

  3. Publish articles by women of color on issues of defense and intelligence

  4. Engage issues on United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.

  5. Engage with senior female women of color leadership to share experiences in the defense and intelligence fields.

  6. Participate in podcasts and webinars with military and intelligence officials


Recent Developments