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Examining White Supremacy in Military & Veterans Communities

The Cultivating Common Convergence, subgroup to Redefining National Security, aims to generate discussion across the civil society and military divide. In the WCAPS First 100 Days Recommendation Report, CCC members identified the need for the government to address white supremacist and hate-based ideologies amongst service members and veterans. This need has only become more apparent in the recent weeks and months, and we recognize the importance of studying and addressing it from an integrated civil society and military perspective.

The intent of this panel is to bring together experts and change leaders to discuss how white supremacy manifests in the military and veteran communities. This will include the overlap of misogyny, jingoism, and bigotry in contributing to and/or reinforcing white supremacist attitudes and culture; pathways from sympathetic sentiments to extremism; and how to bridge the gap between DoD policies and policy implementation.

Moderator:  Pam Campos-Palma (vet, political strategist, and organizer)

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